The Brady Economic Development (EDC) is a Texas-based organization dedicated to fostering economic grown and development in the Brady area. Its mission is to support local businesses, attract new industries, and create job opportunities that enhance the community's economic stability. Through initiatives such as infrastructure development, business recruitment, and incentives for entrepreneurs, the Brady EDC aims to drive sustainable economic progress. The Corportation also collaborates with local government, businesses and educational institutions to promote innovation and ensure long-term economic prosperity for the region.

  • Grants

    The Brady Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is authorized to provide grants through the provisions of the Texas Economic Development Act, speciffically under the 4A/4B sales tax statues. These statues allow EDCs to use sales tax revenue for economic development purposes, including offerring grants to businesses and organizations that contribute to job creation, infrastructure development, and overall economic growth. Grants provided by the Brady EDC are typically aimed at incentivizing business expansion, attracting new industries, and supporting community development projects that align with the EDC's mission of fostering long-term economic prosperity. By offering grants, the EDDC Helps businesses overcome financical barriers and encourages investments in the local economy. 

    Download Grants
  • Loan Application

    The Brady Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is permitted to provide loans under the guidelines established by the Texas Economic Development Act (commonly referred to as the 4A/4B sales tax law). This law allows EDCs to use revenue generated from local sales taxes for economic development initiatives, including business loans. The funds can be directed toward projects that promote job creation, business expansion, and infrastructure improvements. Through its loans programs, the Brady EDC can offer financial assistance to qualifying businesses and entrepreneurs, helping to stimulate local economic growth by providing access to captial for business start-ups, expansions, or relocations. these loans are typically structured to support projects that align with the corporation's goals of promoting sustainable development in the region. 

    Loan Packet

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Brady Economic Development Corporation

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